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Monday, November 5, 2012


my father has passed away for about 2 weeks now. i can remember his body lying motionlessly in the morque. my father did not gave up the battle in anyway, he lasted til the last breath.

i've let him down in million ways, but the legacy of his hardship lives in me. for no returns we strive to complete the journey of others, me and him, we are providers, me and him we are forsaken by god.

i think of him. he is the man with a few words. his love is in his daily providence. i can never replace him, i can only and always be one step behind. i let him down, not letting him not worry about me til his passing. but i need to tell him, even tho he has left, that no matter how hard life can be, dont worry about me no more.

god took him with him. god escort my father to heaven thru his men. i wish i could walk him there, for it's the last i could do for him.

i miss my father, he's been there for me always, silently, quietly, training me thru his actions.

the man who showed me star wars, the man who always buy my meals. the man who care more about the family than himself. i can never match his heroism.

good bye father, i'll see u someday.

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